The Pay Advantage API is built using REST based APIs. Our API features consistent URLs structured around resources, accepts JSON based request bodies, returns JSON-encoded responses, and uses standard HTTP response codes to indicate success or failures of each API call.
You can use the Pay Advantage API sandbox for live testing, this doesn't affect your live data or interact with any banking networks. The Pay Advantage API portal will allow you to call the sandbox environment APIs to get live feedback of API requests and responses. The API is hard coded to the sandbox environment to ensure you keep your live data away from the API portal.
The API request tool on the righthand side of the API portal shows the code behind how to make an API request. The API response is conveniently shown below once the API has responded. Each API call requires a Bearer token as the authentication mechanism. The bearer token is retrieved by first calling the Auth endpoint. It can then be copied and pasted for subsequent calls. The portal will then remember the token for all subsequent calls. This bearer token will expire in 30 minutes and a new one will need to be requested.
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