Send Payment Requests Links

Payment Requests let you receive a payment by creating a link with preconfigured payment options

Used in your integration/application allowing a customer to click/follow a link through a button;
sent through your own system in emails, SMS or letters;
sent in an email/SMS by our system.
You are able to configure the options available when the link is followed such as the customer, description of the payment being requested, amount, on-charge fees (not available for BPAY), ExternalID (use-full for tracking subsequent payments), payment options and if you would like us to email/SMS the initial link and reminders to the customer.

Payment requests created through the API are NOT shown through the client portal and can only be accessed through the API.

Complete Payment Request API Documentation

Creating a Payment Request Link

Field NameValue & UsageCustomer
CustomerA valid CustomerCodeObject
DescriptionA description for the payment request which is meaningful to a customer.String, maximum length of 50 characters.
ExternalIDField which is attached to any payments that are created as a result of the payment request and useful for tracking/integration.String, maximum length of 50 characters.
AmountThe amount of the payment request.Decimal
OnchargeFeesOn-charge any payment processing fees to the customer.Boolean
ExpiryDaysThe number of days before the link will no longer accept payments. We recommend setting to 90 days to avoid links being sent that can't be opened.Range between 7 and 185.
PaymentOptionsSpecify which payment options are available. If using payment plans please ensure you configure the payment plan options in hosted pages.String array, "credit_card""payment_plan"
SendInitialLinkSpecify if you would like an initial email/sms to be sent to the customer containing the merchant name, amount, payment description and link to follow to make payment. Only sends if the customer has a valid email/mobile.Boolean
SendRemindersSpecify if you would like email/sms reminders be sent to the customer if payment has not been completed and the link hasn't expired. Reminders are sent approximately on day 3,7,14,28. Only sends if the customer has a valid email/mobile.Boolean

Example Request

POST: <>  
  "Description":"Accomodation Booking",  

Successful Response

  "Description":"Accomodation Booking",  

Payment Request

Successful Response

GET /v3/payment_requests/{code}

  "Description":"Accomodation Booking",  

Get a list of Payment Requests
Use parameters in the request URL to return filtered or sorted data in the response body. These parameters follow the same rules as any standard HTML query string parameter. The first parameter is separated by ‘?’ and subsequent parameters are separated by ‘&’. Date fields should be formatted YYYYMMDD.

Fields available for filtering: Customer.Code, ExternalID, DateCreated, DateCreatedFrom, DateCreatedTo, DateClosed, DateClosedFrom, DateClosedTo, DateExpires, DateExpiresFrom, DateExpiresTo. To retrieve payment requests that have not been paid or deleted use DateClosed=null

GET /v3/payment_requests?Customer.Code=ASDEF&DateClosed=null&DateExpiresFrom=20220301

Cancelling a Payment Request
This will mean the payment request link will no longer function and no further reminders will be sent (if reminders were enabled)

DELETE /v3/payment_requests/{code}

Get a QR Code for a Payment Request
This will return a QR code as a PNG for the payment request link. This can then be printed on letters or used in POS situations allowing a customer the ability to scan the QR code and then make payment.

Please ensure you use Links.Code and NOT the payment request code.

GET /v3/qr_codes/{linkCode}