Modify a Payment Request

Payment Requests let you receive a payment by creating a link with preconfigured payment options that can then be:
- used in your integration/application allowing a customer to click/follow a link through a button
- sent through your own system in emails, sms or letters
- sent in an email/sms by the PayAdvantage system.

You are able to configure the options available when the link is followed such as the customer, description of the payment being requested, amount, on-charge fees (not available for BPAY), ExternalID (use-full for tracking subsequent payments), payment options and if you would like us to email/sms the initial link and reminders to the customer.

NOTE: Payment requests created through the API are NOT shown through the client portal and can only be accessed through the API.

Resend a payment request by providing the amount of days the payment request can remain active.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!